819 Results
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Government That Works
Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Human Services
- Local Government
- Agriculture
- Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures
- Services Near You
- Census & Economic
- Innovation Report
- Health
- Infrastructure and Development
- Public Safety
- Energy and the Environment
- Licenses & Certificates
- Opioid Related
- Covid 19
- Geospatial Data
- Government Efficiency & Citizen Engagement
- Jobs that Pay Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Schools that Teach Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Stronger Economy
Business Owners
- Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC)
- Department of Agriculture (DAG)
- Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
- Department of Education (PDE)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Department of Health (DOH)
- Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
- Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA)
- Department of Revenue (DOR)
- Department of State (DOS)
- Department of Transportation (PDOT)
- Governor's Office
- Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)
- Office of Administration (OA)
- Office of Performance through Excellence
- Office of the State Fire Commissioner (OSFC)
- Other Open Data Portals
- PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency
- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
- Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)
- Public Utility Commission (PUC)
- State System of Higher Education
- 2021
- 2022
- 2024
- 511
- aaa
- accomodations
- act
- adults
- advance
- agencies
- aids
- allegation
- animal
- aopc
- applicant
- apprenticeships
- area
- arts
- assault
- assessments
- asset
- assisted living
- authorities
- authority
- banking and securities
- banks
- behavioral
- benefit
- book
- boundaries
- box
- bridge
- bus
- cable
- cancer
- case closing
- cce
- cems
- centre
- centroid
- chc
- chemical
- chester
- child care
- childcare
- chip
- choices
- cigarette
- cms
- commercial
- commuter
- competency
- complaint
- completions
- congress
- connections
- consolidated
- construction
- contract
- contributions
- control
- conviction
- coronavirus
- corporations
- cost
- counseling
- county of ownership
- crash
- crawford
- credit
- cte
- culture
- dangerous
- data
- dauphin
- degree. passhe. program
- delaware
- demographic
- department
- deployment
- dhr
- diabetes
- disaster relief
- discrimination
- dislocated worker
- dispensaries
- disposal sites
- distict
- dmv
- doa
- dollar
- driver
- drug hospital
- early childhood
- earn
- ecomony
- elevation
- elrc
- employment. dced
- ems
- enforcement
- engaged
- enhancement
- enrollee
- entity name
- entity type
- entry
- entry-level
- erie
- excellence
- exchange
- exemption
- expansion
- expenditures
- expense. account
- experienced-level
- exploration
- export
- families
- farm
- fcc
- feed
- fiber
- field
- financial
- fine wine and good spirits
- fips
- fire
- flu
- fly
- force
- fracking
- fuel
- funding
- funds
- fw&gs
- gap
- gbo
- generators
- geographic
- geometry
- goods
- grade
- graduation
- gross
- handler
- harm
- head
- head start
- healthchoices
- heath
- hep
- hhs
- high school
- high-growth
- hire
- hotel occupancy
- hourly
- household
- hssap
- hunt
- hydrology
- idu
- index
- industry credentials
- industry partnership
- infant
- infants
- infection
- infestation
- influenza
- informatics
- injury
- intermediate
- interview
- inventory
- isp
- jobs
- juvenile justice
- kennel
- keystone
- kinship
- kits
- labor & industry
- labor force
- landfill
- lantern
- lat
- latitude
- laus
- law
- lcb
- lead
- liability
- license number
- license type
- licensed
- lines
- livestock
- long term care
- long term living
- longitude
- lotto
- management
- manifest
- marcellus
- marketing
- math
- meal
- measures
- methadone
- migration
- milken
- mine
- miti
- mitigation
- mobility
- montgomery
- morphine
- mortality
- munstats
- narcotics
- neonate
- new spudded well
- newborn
- non-depository
- non-stem
- nonprofit
- nuclear
- nursing
- nursing home
- obesity
- odin
- official
- oil
- oil and gas
- older
- opportunity act
- party
- pasda
- patents
- patient
- payment
- pcr
- pda
- pdg
- perkins
- personal
- phil
- philadelphia
- philly
- phrc
- pkc
- placement
- plan
- plcb
- point
- poison
- postcode
- pre-k
- pregant
- pregnancies
- prep
- prepare
- prevalence
- prison
- prizes
- produce
- product
- production
- professional
- profile
- protected
- public safety
- public water
- puc
- rail
- rank
- rate
- rcra
- reading
- receipt
- recidivism
- recovery
- reentry
- referrals
- regional
- regulation
- relation
- release
- representative
- request
- respiratory
- responder
- rest
- restaurant
- restitution
- restorative
- restroom
- result
- retailer
- retention
- risky
- route
- rsv
- rural
- salary
- sales tax
- samhsa
- sample
- satellite
- savings
- sbir
- sca
- school performance
- school profile
- security
- seizures
- senate
- senior
- shale
- shared ride
- simple
- situation
- smoke
- snap
- social
- speed
- spend
- spirits
- stamps
- state stores
- station
- statistics
- stop
- strategy
- sttr
- students
- study
- summer
- supplier
- surveillance
- survival rate
- syncytial
- system
- take
- tb
- teach
- teletracking
- ticket
- town
- township
- tracts
- trails
- transit
- trust
- tuberculosis
- turnpike
- undergraduate
- university
- urban
- usda
- utility
- vaccinations
- value
- vaping
- veterans
- victim
- violator
- waitlist
- waivers
- waterfall
- watershed
- welfare
- western
- wine
- wqx
- wrdc
- york
- youth
- zip code
- zone
- 2023
- abortion
- acs
- affairs
- age group
- allegheny
- american
- art
- attainment
- attorney
- attorney general
- award
- balance
- base
- bite
- boat
- borough
- budget office
- buprenorphine
- call
- campus
- capacity
- careerlink
- cdc
- center
- cip
- codes
- compensation
- congressional
- council
- coverage
- credential rate
- deaths
- debt
- delivery
- demand
- dgs
- diagnosis
- disposition
- distribution
- district
- dlil
- domestic
- dot
- eis
- employment rate
- energy
- engineering
- epa
- epidemic
- esri
- establish
- estimate
- ets
- executive
- experience
- fatal
- female
- fentanyl
- find
- firm
- fish
- foreign
- foreign-owned
- gas
- gdp
- goal
- help
- hepatitis
- hike
- hiking
- hiv
- hospitalization
- hotline
- human services
- immunity
- income
- infested
- instruction
- intake
- intellectual
- judge
- kindergarten
- labor exchange
- land
- lanternfly
- library
- license
- lottery
- male
- market
- measurable skill gains
- median earnings
- mental
- milk
- narcan
- nature
- nei
- oltl
- opium
- outdoor
- pa
- pantry
- pathway
- pbpp
- pema
- pet
- pheaa
- pittsburgh
- portal
- postsecondary
- prekindergarten
- preschool
- prescription
- prevention
- private
- property
- qcew
- quality
- radiation
- radon
- re-entry
- recreation
- registration
- regulated
- reproductive
- rescue
- resources
- retirement
- ride
- road
- sales
- securities
- slots
- star
- stars
- state police
- supply
- survey
- technology
- term
- title i
- tobacco
- toddler
- top ten
- toxin
- trend data
- use
- vape
- vintage
- violation
- wages
- wagner-peyser
- waiting
- well
- wellness
- withdraw
- addiction
- address
- admission
- adult
- banking
- board
- bronze
- cases
- chronic
- college
- community protection
- computer
- decision
- dhs mawd
- dispensation
- dog
- ed
- emission
- environmental protection
- game
- hcsis
- health statewide
- higher
- history
- inspection
- language
- liquor
- literacy
- living
- lobbyist
- long
- markers
- medicare
- monitoring
- nationwide
- nutrition
- oim
- open
- opioid use disorder
- out of home placement
- outcomes
- parcel
- parole
- participation
- passhe
- pccd
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvanians
- pfds
- pharmacy
- phmc
- plaques
- pollutant
- pre-employment
- prescribe
- probation
- productivity
- project
- quarantine
- safe
- science
- sdwis
- sex
- spending
- spotted
- stem
- syndromic
- vehicle
- venture
- visit
- voter
- waste
- working
- abstinence
- administration
- agency
- aging
- arrest
- balanced and restorative justice
- business
- candidate
- capital
- city
- committee
- company
- degree
- digital
- dmva
- dose
- drink
- food
- geo
- hours
- individual
- integrated
- investment
- juvenile justice system enhancement strategy
- level
- licensee
- ma
- narcotic
- natural
- office
- partnership
- permit
- pid
- pregnancy
- rehab
- resource
- statewide
- technical
- trade
- training
- transition
- uninsured
- veteran
- waiver
- work
- worked
- access
- accountability
- ag
- air
- application
- campaign
- certificate
- competency development
- competitive
- coordination
- crime
- disclosure
- enrollees
- federal
- finance
- fund
- hazard
- historical
- home
- house
- institution
- internet
- marijuana
- maternal
- military
- municipality
- museum
- occupation
- ocyf
- padoc
- pain
- region
- resident
- sco
- secondary
- seized
- seizure
- skill
- syndrome
- test
- water
- women
- zip
- allocation
- autism
- birth
- corrections
- delinquency
- dor
- emergency
- expenditure
- housing
- incident
- juvenile
- nas
- penndot
- primary
- provider
- student
- suboxone
- support
- tax
- vivitrol
- worker
- workers
- workforce development
- abuse
- benefits
- case
- commission
- court
- criminal
- ddap
- environmental
- facility
- incarcerated
- jcjc
- location
- neonatal
- park
- pdot
- public
- research
- wioa
- wjs
- broadband
- career
- companies
- correction
- employee
- employment first
- ethnicity
- general
- justice
- lea
- registry
- safety
- success
- agriculture
- census
- cie
- conservation
- dcnr
- entrepreneurship
- l&i
- labor and industry
- mat
- mawd
- medicaid
- naloxone
- ovr
- substance
- trail
- age
- child
- children
- heroin
- insurance
- municipal
- rehabilitation
- revenue
- train
- wage
- boundary
- covid-19
- early
- infrastructure
- learning
- medication
- protection
- voting
- disabilities
- doc
- economy
- first
- government
- inmate
- ocdel
- odp
- vocational
- vote
- alcohol
- enrollment
- ope
- population
- gender
- local
- ballot
- services
- overdose
- psp
- treatment
- death
- environment
- industry
- race
- vaccination
- disorder
- election
- phc4
- police
- transportation
- care
- dli
- family
- hospital
- school
- assistance
- dep
- dos
- map
- vaccine
- innovation
- medical
- state
- county
- pde
- job
- virus
- geospatial
- gis
- citizen
- development
- spatial
- labor
- oud
- disease
- economic
- dced
- community
- human
- covid
- disability
- education
- dhs
- performance
- measure
- governor
- budget
- doh
- program
- workforce
- employment
- service
- drug
- opioid
- health
819 Results
This dataset contains summary information on overdose responses and naloxone administrations by Pennsylvania criminal justice agencies and some third-party (i.e. EMS, Fire, Medical Staff, etc) first responders voluntarily entering incident data. Due to the voluntary nature of the application, the ODIN information provided may not represent the totality of all overdose and/or naloxone administration incidents involving criminal justice agencies occurring within the Commonwealth. Although this dataset does include some third-party administrations of naloxone, it should not be used to measure overdose response and naloxone administration incidents among all first responders.
August 15 2024
Persons enrolled in Medical Assistance (Medicaid) for a given month. Includes Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), Disabled, & Waiver categories.
September 13 2024
Weekly updates have finished with the June 28th update.
This dataset contains aggregate data for the age groups of individuals that received a COVID vaccination. Data includes counts of individuals who received a vaccine dose that provides partial coverage against the disease and counts of individuals that received a vaccine dose that provides full coverage against the disease. Age groups are presented in 5-year brackets. Suppression applies for quantities less than 5 and records under review.
This dataset contains aggregate data for the age groups of individuals that received a COVID vaccination. Data includes counts of individuals who received a vaccine dose that provides partial coverage against the disease and counts of individuals that received a vaccine dose that provides full coverage against the disease. Age groups are presented in 5-year brackets. Suppression applies for quantities less than 5 and records under review.
Data only includes information reported to PA-SIIS, the Pennsylvania Statewide Immunization Information System.
Fully Vaccinated means that the person has received the necessary number of COVID-19 vaccines at the recommended time intervals.
First Booster Doses (Administered Since August 13, 2021)
First Booster doses administered since August 13, 2021 includes vaccinations beyond the primary series administered to the suggested groups at the recommended intervals on or after 08-13-2021 following CDC guidelines. Such vaccinations are commonly called booster doses. This category also includes additional does of COVID vaccine administered on or after 08-13-2021 to immunocompromised individual at the CDC recommended interval.
First Booster Doses (Administered Since August 13, 2021)
First Booster doses administered since August 13, 2021 includes vaccinations beyond the primary series administered to the suggested groups at the recommended intervals on or after 08-13-2021 following CDC guidelines. Such vaccinations are commonly called booster doses. This category also includes additional does of COVID vaccine administered on or after 08-13-2021 to immunocompromised individual at the CDC recommended interval.
Second Booster Doses (Administered Since March 29, 2022)
Second booster doses administered since March 29, 2022 includes mRNA vaccinations beyond the primary series and one additional COVIDS vaccine as a second booster dose administered on or after 03-29-2022 to individuals ages 50+ at the recommended intervals per CDC guidelines. This category also includes additional doses of mRNA COVID vaccines administered on or after 03-29-2022 to immunocompromised individual at the CDC recommended internal.
Second booster doses administered since March 29, 2022 includes mRNA vaccinations beyond the primary series and one additional COVIDS vaccine as a second booster dose administered on or after 03-29-2022 to individuals ages 50+ at the recommended intervals per CDC guidelines. This category also includes additional doses of mRNA COVID vaccines administered on or after 03-29-2022 to immunocompromised individual at the CDC recommended internal.
May 8 2024
The Department of Human Services is focused on improving access to health care in Pennsylvania while reducing Medicaid spending. DHS has begun to reward health care providers for the quality of their care, focus on preventive screenings, and work to limit costly and sometimes unnecessary services, such as an overuse of emergency rooms.
January 24 2022
State House boundaries within Pennsylvania attributed with names of legislators and party affiliations. Purpose: Public information and support for transportation planning, design and development. (2020-01)
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April 24 2024
This chart contains aggregate COVID-19 7-day rolling average case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
June 29 2023
This page describes information on the impacts of opioids on families and children.
July 28 2022
August 23 2023
External Link
Delaware County Office of Data and Mapping Innovation (ODMI), using a Geographic Information System, supports departments within the County with custom mapping, interactive applications, and authoritative data to be used in their workflows and engagement with the public.
The office always supports and works with local governments, private companies, and the public. The open data site provides information in the form of interactive applications as well as a data inventory to download specific datasets for mapping purposes.
The office always supports and works with local governments, private companies, and the public. The open data site provides information in the form of interactive applications as well as a data inventory to download specific datasets for mapping purposes.
For more information or questions contact - Email: data_mapping@co.delaware.pa.us
December 14 2023
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction,