819 Results
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Government That Works
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- Human Services
- Local Government
- Agriculture
- Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures
- Services Near You
- Census & Economic
- Innovation Report
- Health
- Infrastructure and Development
- Public Safety
- Energy and the Environment
- Licenses & Certificates
- Opioid Related
- Covid 19
- Geospatial Data
- Government Efficiency & Citizen Engagement
- Jobs that Pay Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Schools that Teach Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Stronger Economy
Business Owners
- Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC)
- Department of Agriculture (DAG)
- Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
- Department of Education (PDE)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Department of Health (DOH)
- Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
- Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA)
- Department of Revenue (DOR)
- Department of State (DOS)
- Department of Transportation (PDOT)
- Governor's Office
- Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4)
- Office of Administration (OA)
- Office of Performance through Excellence
- Office of the State Fire Commissioner (OSFC)
- Other Open Data Portals
- PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency
- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
- Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)
- Public Utility Commission (PUC)
- State System of Higher Education
- 2021
- 2022
- 2024
- 511
- aaa
- accomodations
- act
- adults
- advance
- agencies
- aids
- allegation
- animal
- aopc
- applicant
- apprenticeships
- area
- arts
- assault
- assessments
- asset
- assisted living
- authorities
- authority
- banking and securities
- banks
- behavioral
- benefit
- book
- boundaries
- box
- bridge
- bus
- cable
- cancer
- case closing
- cce
- cems
- centre
- centroid
- chc
- chemical
- chester
- child care
- childcare
- chip
- choices
- cigarette
- cms
- commercial
- commuter
- competency
- complaint
- completions
- congress
- connections
- consolidated
- construction
- contract
- contributions
- control
- conviction
- coronavirus
- corporations
- cost
- counseling
- county of ownership
- crash
- crawford
- credit
- cte
- culture
- dangerous
- data
- dauphin
- degree. passhe. program
- delaware
- demographic
- department
- deployment
- dhr
- diabetes
- disaster relief
- discrimination
- dislocated worker
- dispensaries
- disposal sites
- distict
- dmv
- doa
- dollar
- driver
- drug hospital
- early childhood
- earn
- ecomony
- elevation
- elrc
- employment. dced
- ems
- enforcement
- engaged
- enhancement
- enrollee
- entity name
- entity type
- entry
- entry-level
- erie
- excellence
- exchange
- exemption
- expansion
- expenditures
- expense. account
- experienced-level
- exploration
- export
- families
- farm
- fcc
- feed
- fiber
- field
- financial
- fine wine and good spirits
- fips
- fire
- flu
- fly
- force
- fracking
- fuel
- funding
- funds
- fw&gs
- gap
- gbo
- generators
- geographic
- geometry
- goods
- grade
- graduation
- gross
- handler
- harm
- head
- head start
- healthchoices
- heath
- hep
- hhs
- high school
- high-growth
- hire
- hotel occupancy
- hourly
- household
- hssap
- hunt
- hydrology
- idu
- index
- industry credentials
- industry partnership
- infant
- infants
- infection
- infestation
- influenza
- informatics
- injury
- intermediate
- interview
- inventory
- isp
- jobs
- juvenile justice
- kennel
- keystone
- kinship
- kits
- labor & industry
- labor force
- landfill
- lantern
- lat
- latitude
- laus
- law
- lcb
- lead
- liability
- license number
- license type
- licensed
- lines
- livestock
- long term care
- long term living
- longitude
- lotto
- management
- manifest
- marcellus
- marketing
- math
- meal
- measures
- methadone
- migration
- milken
- mine
- miti
- mitigation
- mobility
- montgomery
- morphine
- mortality
- munstats
- narcotics
- neonate
- new spudded well
- newborn
- non-depository
- non-stem
- nonprofit
- nuclear
- nursing
- nursing home
- obesity
- odin
- official
- oil
- oil and gas
- older
- opportunity act
- party
- pasda
- patents
- patient
- payment
- pcr
- pda
- pdg
- perkins
- personal
- phil
- philadelphia
- philly
- phrc
- pkc
- placement
- plan
- plcb
- point
- poison
- postcode
- pre-k
- pregant
- pregnancies
- prep
- prepare
- prevalence
- prison
- prizes
- produce
- product
- production
- professional
- profile
- protected
- public safety
- public water
- puc
- rail
- rank
- rate
- rcra
- reading
- receipt
- recidivism
- recovery
- reentry
- referrals
- regional
- regulation
- relation
- release
- representative
- request
- respiratory
- responder
- rest
- restaurant
- restitution
- restorative
- restroom
- result
- retailer
- retention
- risky
- route
- rsv
- rural
- salary
- sales tax
- samhsa
- sample
- satellite
- savings
- sbir
- sca
- school performance
- school profile
- security
- seizures
- senate
- senior
- shale
- shared ride
- simple
- situation
- smoke
- snap
- social
- speed
- spend
- spirits
- stamps
- state stores
- station
- statistics
- stop
- strategy
- sttr
- students
- study
- summer
- supplier
- surveillance
- survival rate
- syncytial
- system
- take
- tb
- teach
- teletracking
- ticket
- town
- township
- tracts
- trails
- transit
- trust
- tuberculosis
- turnpike
- undergraduate
- university
- urban
- usda
- utility
- vaccinations
- value
- vaping
- veterans
- victim
- violator
- waitlist
- waivers
- waterfall
- watershed
- welfare
- western
- wine
- wqx
- wrdc
- york
- youth
- zip code
- zone
- 2023
- abortion
- acs
- affairs
- age group
- allegheny
- american
- art
- attainment
- attorney
- attorney general
- award
- balance
- base
- bite
- boat
- borough
- budget office
- buprenorphine
- call
- campus
- capacity
- careerlink
- cdc
- center
- cip
- codes
- compensation
- congressional
- council
- coverage
- credential rate
- deaths
- debt
- delivery
- demand
- dgs
- diagnosis
- disposition
- distribution
- district
- dlil
- domestic
- dot
- eis
- employment rate
- energy
- engineering
- epa
- epidemic
- esri
- establish
- estimate
- ets
- executive
- experience
- fatal
- female
- fentanyl
- find
- firm
- fish
- foreign
- foreign-owned
- gas
- gdp
- goal
- help
- hepatitis
- hike
- hiking
- hiv
- hospitalization
- hotline
- human services
- immunity
- income
- infested
- instruction
- intake
- intellectual
- judge
- kindergarten
- labor exchange
- land
- lanternfly
- library
- license
- lottery
- male
- market
- measurable skill gains
- median earnings
- mental
- milk
- narcan
- nature
- nei
- oltl
- opium
- outdoor
- pa
- pantry
- pathway
- pbpp
- pema
- pet
- pheaa
- pittsburgh
- portal
- postsecondary
- prekindergarten
- preschool
- prescription
- prevention
- private
- property
- qcew
- quality
- radiation
- radon
- re-entry
- recreation
- registration
- regulated
- reproductive
- rescue
- resources
- retirement
- ride
- road
- sales
- securities
- slots
- star
- stars
- state police
- supply
- survey
- technology
- term
- title i
- tobacco
- toddler
- top ten
- toxin
- trend data
- use
- vape
- vintage
- violation
- wages
- wagner-peyser
- waiting
- well
- wellness
- withdraw
- addiction
- address
- admission
- adult
- banking
- board
- bronze
- cases
- chronic
- college
- community protection
- computer
- decision
- dhs mawd
- dispensation
- dog
- ed
- emission
- environmental protection
- game
- hcsis
- health statewide
- higher
- history
- inspection
- language
- liquor
- literacy
- living
- lobbyist
- long
- markers
- medicare
- monitoring
- nationwide
- nutrition
- oim
- open
- opioid use disorder
- out of home placement
- outcomes
- parcel
- parole
- participation
- passhe
- pccd
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvanians
- pfds
- pharmacy
- phmc
- plaques
- pollutant
- pre-employment
- prescribe
- probation
- productivity
- project
- quarantine
- safe
- science
- sdwis
- sex
- spending
- spotted
- stem
- syndromic
- vehicle
- venture
- visit
- voter
- waste
- working
- abstinence
- administration
- agency
- aging
- arrest
- balanced and restorative justice
- business
- candidate
- capital
- city
- committee
- company
- degree
- digital
- dmva
- dose
- drink
- food
- geo
- hours
- individual
- integrated
- investment
- juvenile justice system enhancement strategy
- level
- licensee
- ma
- narcotic
- natural
- office
- partnership
- permit
- pid
- pregnancy
- rehab
- resource
- statewide
- technical
- trade
- training
- transition
- uninsured
- veteran
- waiver
- work
- worked
- access
- accountability
- ag
- air
- application
- campaign
- certificate
- competency development
- competitive
- coordination
- crime
- disclosure
- enrollees
- federal
- finance
- fund
- hazard
- historical
- home
- house
- institution
- internet
- marijuana
- maternal
- military
- municipality
- museum
- occupation
- ocyf
- padoc
- pain
- region
- resident
- sco
- secondary
- seized
- seizure
- skill
- syndrome
- test
- water
- women
- zip
- allocation
- autism
- birth
- corrections
- delinquency
- dor
- emergency
- expenditure
- housing
- incident
- juvenile
- nas
- penndot
- primary
- provider
- student
- suboxone
- support
- tax
- vivitrol
- worker
- workers
- workforce development
- abuse
- benefits
- case
- commission
- court
- criminal
- ddap
- environmental
- facility
- incarcerated
- jcjc
- location
- neonatal
- park
- pdot
- public
- research
- wioa
- wjs
- broadband
- career
- companies
- correction
- employee
- employment first
- ethnicity
- general
- justice
- lea
- registry
- safety
- success
- agriculture
- census
- cie
- conservation
- dcnr
- entrepreneurship
- l&i
- labor and industry
- mat
- mawd
- medicaid
- naloxone
- ovr
- substance
- trail
- age
- child
- children
- heroin
- insurance
- municipal
- rehabilitation
- revenue
- train
- wage
- boundary
- covid-19
- early
- infrastructure
- learning
- medication
- protection
- voting
- disabilities
- doc
- economy
- first
- government
- inmate
- ocdel
- odp
- vocational
- vote
- alcohol
- enrollment
- ope
- population
- gender
- local
- ballot
- services
- overdose
- psp
- treatment
- death
- environment
- industry
- race
- vaccination
- disorder
- election
- phc4
- police
- transportation
- care
- dli
- family
- hospital
- school
- assistance
- dep
- dos
- map
- vaccine
- innovation
- medical
- state
- county
- pde
- job
- virus
- geospatial
- gis
- citizen
- development
- spatial
- labor
- oud
- disease
- economic
- dced
- community
- human
- covid
- disability
- education
- dhs
- performance
- measure
- governor
- budget
- doh
- program
- workforce
- employment
- service
- drug
- opioid
- health
819 Results
The database was constructed from using the source “Sapphire Emar”. The raw data was condensed to remove any duplicate data that expressed the following: data rows with the same inmate name who had multiple of the same medications or multiple of the same medication type. Then the data sets were sorted by admission dates. Then grouped by quarters or years or both. After that, data was sorted by various descriptor columns: Age Range, Ethnicity, Gender and Drug type.
What is the story the data is telling? The data shows a significantly higher admission rate for Caucasians and Males. The data also shows the age range of 30-34 consistently has the highest percent admission rate. The data also shows a high percentage of inmates receive Vivitrol/Revia as opposed to Suboxone.
What to realize about this data? Although Males and Caucasians have a higher admission rate it is worth noting that this does not take into the account of how many inmates based on gender or ethnicity there are/were in the DOC at a given time. Regardless of Year the Inmate age peaks at 30-34 suggesting they are the most likely to seek treatment.
What is the story the data is telling? The data shows a significantly higher admission rate for Caucasians and Males. The data also shows the age range of 30-34 consistently has the highest percent admission rate. The data also shows a high percentage of inmates receive Vivitrol/Revia as opposed to Suboxone.
What to realize about this data? Although Males and Caucasians have a higher admission rate it is worth noting that this does not take into the account of how many inmates based on gender or ethnicity there are/were in the DOC at a given time. Regardless of Year the Inmate age peaks at 30-34 suggesting they are the most likely to seek treatment.
November 18 2020
Total funding allocated to DCED by fiscal year, highlighting specific programs/initiatives that are central to fostering Pennsylvania’s entrepreneurial community and emerging technology companies
No tags assigned
July 8 2021
Utility patents per 100,000 residents by year by state, compared to the national average (selected states, 2015-2019)
July 12 2021
The official FCC broadband definition is a minimum of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload.
Cable/fiber internet connection is used to define access to broadband, since these are the most commonly used and currently best two types of internet for a fast connection. Other technologies are less preferable due to slowness, instability, data caps, and latency.
June 7 2023
This information pertains to juveniles who, while under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court, were committed to out-of-home placement for a period greater than 28 days at least one time in conjunction with a juvenile delinquency disposition.
The proportion of juveniles who cases were closed and experienced a placement episode decreased in Calendar Year (CY) 2018 to 18.3% from 22.4% in 2017. At the same time, the median length of placement remained steady at 9.9 months.
This datasets represents the number and percentage of juveniles committed to out-of-home placement for 28 or more consecutive days (excluding detention, shelter care, and diagnostics placements).
This dateset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission 2018 Statewide Juvenile Justice Outcome Measure report: this report reflects outcomes of juvenile offenders whose cases were closed during the report period and who have received a period of supervision from a county juvenile probation department. These reported outcomes are associated with community protection, accountability, and competency development.
The proportion of juveniles who cases were closed and experienced a placement episode decreased in Calendar Year (CY) 2018 to 18.3% from 22.4% in 2017. At the same time, the median length of placement remained steady at 9.9 months.
This datasets represents the number and percentage of juveniles committed to out-of-home placement for 28 or more consecutive days (excluding detention, shelter care, and diagnostics placements).
This dateset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission 2018 Statewide Juvenile Justice Outcome Measure report: this report reflects outcomes of juvenile offenders whose cases were closed during the report period and who have received a period of supervision from a county juvenile probation department. These reported outcomes are associated with community protection, accountability, and competency development.
No tags assigned
September 8 2020
The information included in this dataset is for the Governor’s Executive Budget and provides key Program Measures by Agency or Office.
February 8 2023
View annual counts of Accidental or Undetermined overdose deaths for 2012 forward, including provisional estimates of annual counts of overdose deaths for recent years, as noted with an asterisk and the month the data was pulled.
NOTE: Finalized death records for overdose deaths are often delayed by 3-6 months. Counties labeled “no value” have data suppressed because the counts are between 1 and 9.
Dataset includes overdose deaths where the Manner of Death is Accidental or Undetermined.
County complement counts file located here - https://data.pa.gov/Opioid-Related/Estimated-Accidental-and-Undetermined-Drug-Overdos/azzc-q64m
Overdose Deaths are classified using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD–10). Accidental and Undetermined drug overdose deaths are identified using underlying cause-of-death codes X40–X44, and Y10–Y14, and include
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program *
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal
NOTE: Finalized death records for overdose deaths are often delayed by 3-6 months. Counties labeled “no value” have data suppressed because the counts are between 1 and 9.
Dataset includes overdose deaths where the Manner of Death is Accidental or Undetermined.
County complement counts file located here - https://data.pa.gov/Opioid-Related/Estimated-Accidental-and-Undetermined-Drug-Overdos/azzc-q64m
Overdose Deaths are classified using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD–10). Accidental and Undetermined drug overdose deaths are identified using underlying cause-of-death codes X40–X44, and Y10–Y14, and include
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program *
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal
No tags assigned
August 12 2024
This map provides an estimate of the number of people aged 15-34 years with newly identified confirmed chronic (or past/present) hepatitis C infection, by county and by year.
The underlying data is limited to persons aged 15 to 34 because hepatitis C infection is usually asymptomatic for decades after infection occurs. Cases are usually identified because they have finally become symptomatic, or they were screened. Until very recently, screening for hepatitis C was not routinely performed. This makes it very challenging to identify persons with recent infection. Limiting the age of newly identified patients to 15-34 years makes it more likely that the cases included in the dashboard were infected fairly recently. It is not meant to imply that the opioid crisis’ effect on hepatitis C transmission is limited to younger people.
The patient zip code, as submitted to PA-NEDSS, is used to determine the case’s county of residence at the time of initial case report. In some instances, the patient zip code is unavailable. In those circumstances, the zip code of the provider that ordered the lab test is used as a proxy for patient zip code.
The underlying data is limited to persons aged 15 to 34 because hepatitis C infection is usually asymptomatic for decades after infection occurs. Cases are usually identified because they have finally become symptomatic, or they were screened. Until very recently, screening for hepatitis C was not routinely performed. This makes it very challenging to identify persons with recent infection. Limiting the age of newly identified patients to 15-34 years makes it more likely that the cases included in the dashboard were infected fairly recently. It is not meant to imply that the opioid crisis’ effect on hepatitis C transmission is limited to younger people.
The patient zip code, as submitted to PA-NEDSS, is used to determine the case’s county of residence at the time of initial case report. In some instances, the patient zip code is unavailable. In those circumstances, the zip code of the provider that ordered the lab test is used as a proxy for patient zip code.
No tags assigned
May 21 2019
The total Pennsylvania juvenile delinquency placement expenditures declined by 39.0% ($125,416,915) from State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2008/2009 through State Fiscal Year 2016/2017. Between State Fiscal Year 2015/2016 to State Fiscal Year 2016/2017, expenditure decreased by 6.8% (approximately $14.2 million).
This dataset represents the total Pennsylvania juvenile delinquency placement expenditure from State Fiscal Year 2008/2009 to State Fiscal Year 2017/2018.
This dataset represents the total Pennsylvania juvenile delinquency placement expenditure from State Fiscal Year 2008/2009 to State Fiscal Year 2017/2018.
No tags assigned
September 8 2020
This dataset describes a current state of mail ballot requests for the 2021 primary election. It’s a snapshot in time of the current volume of ballot requests across the Commonwealth.
No tags assigned
May 28 2021