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Government That Works
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- Human Services
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- Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures
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- Innovation Report
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- Stronger Economy
Business Owners
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- Department of Agriculture (DAG)
- Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
- Department of Education (PDE)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Department of Health (DOH)
- Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
- Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA)
- Department of Revenue (DOR)
- Department of State (DOS)
- Department of Transportation (PDOT)
- Governor's Office
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- Office of Administration (OA)
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- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
- Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)
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- State System of Higher Education
- geo
- 2021
- 2022
- 511
- aaa
- accomodations
- act
- adults
- advance
- agencies
- aids
- allegation
- animal
- aopc
- applicant
- apprenticeships
- area
- arts
- assault
- assessments
- asset
- assisted living
- authorities
- authority
- banking and securities
- banks
- behavioral
- benefit
- book
- boundaries
- box
- bridge
- bus
- cable
- cancer
- case closing
- cce
- cems
- centre
- centroid
- chemical
- chester
- child care
- childcare
- chip
- choices
- cigarette
- cms
- commercial
- commuter
- competency
- complaint
- completions
- congress
- connections
- consolidated
- construction
- contract
- contributions
- control
- conviction
- coronavirus
- corporations
- cost
- counseling
- county of ownership
- crash
- crawford
- credit
- cte
- culture
- dangerous
- data
- dauphin
- degree. passhe. program
- delaware
- demographic
- demographics
- department
- deployment
- dhr
- diabetes
- disaster relief
- discrimination
- dislocated worker
- dispensaries
- disposal sites
- distict
- dmv
- doa
- dollar
- driver
- drug hospital
- early childhood
- earn
- ecomony
- elevation
- elrc
- employment. dced
- ems
- enforcement
- engaged
- enhancement
- enrollee
- entity name
- entity type
- entry
- entry-level
- erie
- excellence
- exchange
- exemption
- expansion
- expenditures
- expense. account
- experienced-level
- exploration
- export
- families
- farm
- fcc
- feed
- fiber
- field
- financial
- fine wine and good spirits
- fips
- fire
- flu
- fly
- force
- fracking
- fuel
- funding
- funds
- fw&gs
- gap
- gbo
- generators
- geographic
- geometry
- goods
- grade
- graduation
- gross
- handler
- harm
- head
- head start
- healthchoices
- hearing
- heath
- hep
- hhs
- high school
- high-growth
- highlight
- hire
- hotel occupancy
- hourly
- household
- hssap
- hunt
- hydrology
- idu
- incentive
- index
- industry credentials
- industry partnership
- infant
- infants
- infection
- infestation
- influenza
- informatics
- injury
- intermediate
- interview
- inventory
- isp
- jobs
- juvenile justice
- kennel
- keystone
- kinship
- kits
- labor & industry
- labor force
- landfill
- lantern
- lat
- latitude
- laus
- law
- lcb
- lead
- liability
- license number
- license type
- licensed
- lines
- livestock
- long term care
- long term living
- longitude
- lotto
- management
- manifest
- marcellus
- marketing
- math
- meal
- measures
- methadone
- migration
- milken
- mine
- miti
- mitigation
- mobility
- montgomery
- morphine
- mortality
- munstats
- narcotics
- neonate
- new spudded well
- newborn
- non-depository
- non-stem
- nonprofit
- nuclear
- nursing
- nursing home
- obesity
- odin
- official
- oil
- oil and gas
- older
- opportunity act
- party
- pasda
- patents
- patient
- payment
- pcr
- pda
- pdg
- perkins
- personal
- phil
- philadelphia
- philly
- phrc
- pkc
- placement
- plan
- planning
- plcb
- point
- poison
- postcode
- pre-k
- pregant
- pregnancies
- prep
- prepare
- prevalence
- prison
- prizes
- produce
- product
- production
- professional
- profile
- protected
- public safety
- public water
- puc
- rail
- rank
- rate
- rcra
- reading
- receipt
- recidivism
- recovery
- reentry
- referrals
- regional
- regulation
- relation
- release
- representative
- request
- respiratory
- responder
- rest
- restaurant
- restitution
- restorative
- restroom
- result
- retailer
- retention
- risky
- route
- rsv
- rural
- salary
- sales tax
- samhsa
- sample
- satellite
- savings
- sbir
- sca
- school performance
- school profile
- security
- seizures
- senate
- senior
- shale
- shared ride
- simple
- situation
- smoke
- snap
- social
- speed
- spend
- spirits
- stamps
- state stores
- station
- statistics
- stop
- strategy
- sttr
- students
- study
- summer
- supplier
- surveillance
- survival rate
- syncytial
- system
- take
- tb
- teach
- teletracking
- ticket
- town
- township
- tracts
- trails
- transit
- trust
- tuberculosis
- turnpike
- undergraduate
- university
- urban
- usda
- utility
- vaccinations
- value
- vaping
- veterans
- victim
- violator
- waitlist
- waivers
- waterfall
- watershed
- welfare
- western
- wine
- wipa
- wqx
- wrdc
- york
- youth
- zip code
- zone
- 2023
- 2024
- abortion
- acs
- affairs
- age group
- allegheny
- american
- art
- attainment
- attorney
- attorney general
- award
- balance
- base
- bite
- boat
- borough
- budget office
- buprenorphine
- call
- campus
- capacity
- careerlink
- cdc
- center
- chc
- cip
- codes
- compensation
- congressional
- council
- coverage
- credential rate
- deaths
- debt
- delivery
- demand
- dgs
- dhs mawd
- diagnosis
- disposition
- distribution
- district
- dlil
- domestic
- dot
- eis
- employment rate
- energy
- engineering
- epa
- epidemic
- esri
- establish
- estimate
- ets
- executive
- experience
- fatal
- female
- fentanyl
- find
- firm
- fish
- foreign
- foreign-owned
- gas
- gdp
- goal
- help
- hepatitis
- hike
- hiking
- hiv
- hospitalization
- hotline
- human services
- immunity
- income
- infested
- instruction
- intake
- intellectual
- judge
- kindergarten
- labor exchange
- land
- lanternfly
- library
- license
- lottery
- male
- market
- measurable skill gains
- median earnings
- mental
- milk
- narcan
- nature
- nei
- opium
- outdoor
- pa
- pantry
- pathway
- pbpp
- pema
- pet
- pheaa
- pittsburgh
- portal
- postsecondary
- prekindergarten
- preschool
- prescription
- prevention
- private
- property
- qcew
- quality
- radiation
- radon
- re-entry
- recreation
- registration
- regulated
- reproductive
- rescue
- resources
- retirement
- ride
- road
- sales
- securities
- slots
- star
- stars
- state police
- supply
- survey
- title i
- tobacco
- toddler
- top ten
- toxin
- trend data
- use
- vape
- vintage
- violation
- wagner-peyser
- waiting
- well
- wellness
- withdraw
- addiction
- address
- admission
- adult
- banking
- board
- bronze
- cases
- chronic
- college
- community protection
- computer
- decision
- dispensation
- dog
- ed
- emission
- environmental protection
- game
- hcsis
- health statewide
- higher
- history
- inspection
- liquor
- literacy
- lobbyist
- markers
- medicare
- monitoring
- nationwide
- nutrition
- oim
- oltl
- open
- opioid use disorder
- out of home placement
- outcomes
- parcel
- parole
- participation
- passhe
- pccd
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvanians
- pfds
- pharmacy
- phmc
- plaques
- pollutant
- pre-employment
- prescribe
- probation
- productivity
- project
- quarantine
- safe
- science
- sdwis
- sex
- spending
- spotted
- stem
- syndromic
- technology
- term
- vehicle
- venture
- visit
- voter
- wages
- waste
- working
- abstinence
- administration
- agency
- aging
- arrest
- balanced and restorative justice
- business
- candidate
- capital
- city
- committee
- company
- degree
- digital
- dmva
- dose
- drink
- food
- hours
- individual
- integrated
- investment
- juvenile justice system enhancement strategy
- level
- licensee
- living
- long
- ma
- narcotic
- natural
- office
- partnership
- permit
- pid
- pregnancy
- resource
- statewide
- technical
- trade
- training
- transition
- uninsured
- veteran
- waiver
- worked
- access
- accountability
- ag
- air
- application
- campaign
- certificate
- competency development
- competitive
- coordination
- crime
- disclosure
- enrollees
- federal
- finance
- fund
- hazard
- historical
- home
- house
- institution
- internet
- language
- marijuana
- maternal
- military
- municipality
- museum
- occupation
- ocyf
- padoc
- pain
- region
- resident
- sco
- secondary
- seized
- seizure
- skill
- syndrome
- test
- water
- women
- work
- zip
- allocation
- autism
- birth
- corrections
- delinquency
- dor
- emergency
- expenditure
- housing
- incident
- juvenile
- nas
- penndot
- primary
- provider
- rehab
- student
- suboxone
- support
- tax
- vivitrol
- worker
- workforce development
- abuse
- benefits
- case
- commission
- court
- criminal
- ddap
- environmental
- facility
- incarcerated
- jcjc
- location
- neonatal
- park
- pdot
- public
- research
- wioa
- workers
- broadband
- career
- companies
- correction
- employee
- employment first
- justice
- lea
- registry
- safety
- wjs
- agriculture
- census
- cie
- conservation
- dcnr
- entrepreneurship
- ethnicity
- general
- l&i
- labor and industry
- mat
- medicaid
- naloxone
- substance
- trail
- age
- child
- children
- heroin
- insurance
- municipal
- revenue
- train
- wage
- boundary
- covid-19
- early
- infrastructure
- learning
- medication
- protection
- disabilities
- doc
- economy
- government
- inmate
- ocdel
- odp
- ovr
- voting
- alcohol
- enrollment
- ope
- population
- rehabilitation
- vote
- local
- mawd
- ballot
- gender
- overdose
- psp
- treatment
- vocational
- death
- environment
- services
- vaccination
- disorder
- phc4
- police
- race
- success
- transportation
- care
- election
- industry
- family
- first
- hospital
- school
- dep
- dli
- map
- vaccine
- dos
- innovation
- assistance
- county
- state
- pde
- medical
- virus
- geospatial
- gis
- citizen
- development
- spatial
- oud
- disease
- labor
- economic
- job
- dced
- community
- covid
- human
- education
- disability
- performance
- measure
- dhs
- governor
- budget
- doh
- program
- workforce
- drug
- service
- employment
- opioid
- health
5 Results
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Tags > geo
Clear All
This dataset describes a current state of mail ballot requests for the 2022 General Election. It’s a snapshot in time of the current volume of ballot requests across the Commonwealth.
The reason some birth dates will display as 1/1/1800 is due to confidentiality reasons of the registered voters.
Usually this is for victims of domestic violence.
The reason some birth dates will display as 1/1/1800 is due to confidentiality reasons of the registered voters.
Usually this is for victims of domestic violence.
The following are considered UOCAVA:
Application Type
CRI - Civilian - Remote/Isolated
CVO - Civilian Overseas
F - Federal (Unregistered)
M - Military
MRI - Military - Remote/Isolated
V - Veteran
BV - Bedridden Veteran
BVRI - Bedridden Veteran - Remote/Isolated
Application Type
CRI - Civilian - Remote/Isolated
CVO - Civilian Overseas
F - Federal (Unregistered)
M - Military
MRI - Military - Remote/Isolated
V - Veteran
BV - Bedridden Veteran
BVRI - Bedridden Veteran - Remote/Isolated
We may not have all types in the file for every election.
August 15 2024
This dataset describes the current state of mail ballot requests for the 2024 General Election. It’s a snapshot in time of the current volume of ballot requests across the Commonwealth. The file contains all mail ballot requests except ballot applications that are declined as duplicate.
This point-in-time transactional data is being published for informational purposes to provide detailed data pertaining to the processing of absentee and mail-in ballots by county election offices. This data is extracted once per day from the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE system), and it reflects activity recorded by the counties in the SURE system at the time of the data extraction.
Please note that county election offices will continue to process ballot applications (as applicable), record ballots, reconcile ballot data, and make corrections when necessary, and this will continue through, and even after, Election Day. Administrative practices for recording transactions in the system will vary by county. For example, some counties record individual transactions as they occur, while others record transactions in batches at specific intervals. These activities may result in substantial changes to a county's reported data from one day to the next. County practices also differ on when cancelled ballot data is entered into the database (i.e., before or after the election). Some counties do not enter cancelled ballot data entirely.
Type of data included in this file:
This data includes all mail ballot applications processed by counties, which includes voters on the permanent mail ballot list. All application types in this file are considered a type of mail ballot. Some of the applications are considered UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) or UMOVA (Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act), these are listed below:
This data includes all mail ballot applications processed by counties, which includes voters on the permanent mail ballot list. All application types in this file are considered a type of mail ballot. Some of the applications are considered UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) or UMOVA (Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act), these are listed below:
Application Type
• CRI - Civilian - Remote/Isolated
• CVO - Civilian Overseas
• F - Federal (Unregistered)
• M - Military
• MRI - Military - Remote/Isolated
• V - Veteran
• BV - Bedridden Veteran
• BVRI - Bedridden Veteran - Remote/Isolated
*We may not have all application types in the file for every election.
• CRI - Civilian - Remote/Isolated
• CVO - Civilian Overseas
• F - Federal (Unregistered)
• M - Military
• MRI - Military - Remote/Isolated
• V - Veteran
• BV - Bedridden Veteran
• BVRI - Bedridden Veteran - Remote/Isolated
*We may not have all application types in the file for every election.
When analyzing the data, please keep in mind the following:
• These codes may change from election to election.
• Counties can enter cancellation codes without entering a ballot returned date.
• Some cancellation codes are part of administrative processes, meaning the ballot was never mailed to the voter before it was cancelled (e.g., there was an error when the label was printed).
• These codes may change from election to election.
• Counties can enter cancellation codes without entering a ballot returned date.
• Some cancellation codes are part of administrative processes, meaning the ballot was never mailed to the voter before it was cancelled (e.g., there was an error when the label was printed).