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Government That Works
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Business Owners
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- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
- Department of Education (PDE)
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- Department of Health (DOH)
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- Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA)
- Department of Revenue (DOR)
- Department of State (DOS)
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- adults
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- agencies
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- allegation
- animal
- aopc
- applicant
- apprenticeships
- area
- arts
- assault
- assessments
- asset
- assisted living
- authorities
- authority
- banking and securities
- banks
- behavioral
- benefit
- book
- boundaries
- box
- bridge
- bus
- cable
- cancer
- case closing
- cce
- cems
- centre
- centroid
- chemical
- chester
- child care
- childcare
- chip
- choices
- cigarette
- cms
- commercial
- commuter
- competency
- complaint
- completions
- congress
- connections
- consolidated
- construction
- contract
- contributions
- control
- conviction
- coronavirus
- corporations
- cost
- counseling
- county of ownership
- crash
- crawford
- credit
- cte
- culture
- dangerous
- data
- dauphin
- degree. passhe. program
- delaware
- demographic
- demographics
- department
- deployment
- dhr
- diabetes
- disaster relief
- discrimination
- dislocated worker
- dispensaries
- disposal sites
- distict
- dmv
- doa
- dollar
- driver
- drug hospital
- early childhood
- earn
- ecomony
- elevation
- elrc
- employment. dced
- ems
- enforcement
- engaged
- enhancement
- enrollee
- entity name
- entity type
- entry
- entry-level
- erie
- excellence
- exchange
- exemption
- expansion
- expenditures
- expense. account
- experienced-level
- exploration
- export
- families
- farm
- fcc
- feed
- fiber
- field
- financial
- fine wine and good spirits
- fips
- fire
- flu
- fly
- force
- fracking
- fuel
- funding
- funds
- fw&gs
- gap
- gbo
- generators
- geographic
- geometry
- goods
- grade
- graduation
- gross
- handler
- harm
- head
- head start
- healthchoices
- hearing
- heath
- hep
- hhs
- high school
- high-growth
- highlight
- hire
- hotel occupancy
- hourly
- household
- hssap
- hunt
- hydrology
- idu
- incentive
- index
- industry credentials
- industry partnership
- infant
- infants
- infection
- infestation
- influenza
- informatics
- injury
- intermediate
- interview
- inventory
- isp
- jobs
- juvenile justice
- kennel
- keystone
- kinship
- kits
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- landfill
- lantern
- lat
- latitude
- laus
- law
- lcb
- lead
- liability
- license number
- license type
- licensed
- lines
- livestock
- long term care
- long term living
- longitude
- lotto
- management
- manifest
- marcellus
- marketing
- math
- meal
- measures
- methadone
- migration
- milken
- mine
- miti
- mitigation
- mobility
- montgomery
- morphine
- mortality
- munstats
- narcotics
- neonate
- new spudded well
- newborn
- non-depository
- non-stem
- nonprofit
- nuclear
- nursing
- nursing home
- obesity
- odin
- official
- oil
- oil and gas
- older
- opportunity act
- party
- pasda
- patents
- patient
- payment
- pcr
- pda
- pdg
- perkins
- personal
- phil
- philadelphia
- philly
- phrc
- pkc
- placement
- plan
- planning
- plcb
- point
- poison
- postcode
- pre-k
- pregant
- pregnancies
- prep
- prepare
- prevalence
- prison
- prizes
- produce
- product
- production
- professional
- profile
- protected
- public safety
- public water
- puc
- rail
- rank
- rate
- rcra
- reading
- receipt
- recidivism
- recovery
- reentry
- referrals
- regional
- regulation
- relation
- release
- representative
- request
- respiratory
- responder
- rest
- restaurant
- restitution
- restorative
- restroom
- result
- retailer
- retention
- risky
- route
- rsv
- rural
- salary
- sales tax
- samhsa
- sample
- satellite
- savings
- sbir
- sca
- school performance
- school profile
- security
- seizures
- senate
- senior
- shale
- shared ride
- simple
- situation
- smoke
- snap
- social
- speed
- spend
- spirits
- stamps
- state stores
- station
- statistics
- stop
- strategy
- sttr
- students
- study
- summer
- supplier
- surveillance
- survival rate
- syncytial
- system
- take
- tb
- teach
- teletracking
- ticket
- town
- township
- tracts
- trails
- transit
- trust
- tuberculosis
- turnpike
- undergraduate
- university
- urban
- usda
- utility
- vaccinations
- value
- vaping
- veterans
- victim
- violator
- waitlist
- waivers
- waterfall
- watershed
- welfare
- western
- wine
- wipa
- wqx
- wrdc
- york
- youth
- zip code
- zone
- 2023
- 2024
- abortion
- acs
- affairs
- age group
- allegheny
- american
- art
- attainment
- attorney
- attorney general
- award
- balance
- base
- bite
- boat
- borough
- budget office
- buprenorphine
- call
- campus
- capacity
- careerlink
- cdc
- center
- chc
- cip
- codes
- compensation
- congressional
- council
- coverage
- credential rate
- deaths
- debt
- delivery
- demand
- dgs
- dhs mawd
- diagnosis
- disposition
- distribution
- district
- dlil
- domestic
- dot
- eis
- employment rate
- energy
- engineering
- epa
- epidemic
- esri
- establish
- estimate
- ets
- executive
- experience
- fatal
- female
- fentanyl
- find
- firm
- fish
- foreign
- foreign-owned
- gas
- gdp
- goal
- help
- hepatitis
- hike
- hiking
- hiv
- hospitalization
- hotline
- human services
- immunity
- income
- infested
- instruction
- intake
- intellectual
- judge
- kindergarten
- labor exchange
- land
- lanternfly
- library
- license
- lottery
- male
- market
- measurable skill gains
- median earnings
- mental
- milk
- narcan
- nature
- nei
- opium
- outdoor
- pa
- pantry
- pathway
- pbpp
- pema
- pet
- pheaa
- pittsburgh
- portal
- postsecondary
- prekindergarten
- preschool
- prescription
- prevention
- private
- property
- qcew
- quality
- radiation
- radon
- re-entry
- recreation
- registration
- regulated
- reproductive
- rescue
- resources
- retirement
- ride
- road
- sales
- securities
- slots
- star
- stars
- state police
- supply
- survey
- title i
- tobacco
- toddler
- top ten
- toxin
- trend data
- use
- vape
- vintage
- violation
- wagner-peyser
- waiting
- well
- wellness
- withdraw
- addiction
- address
- admission
- adult
- banking
- board
- bronze
- cases
- chronic
- college
- community protection
- computer
- decision
- dispensation
- dog
- ed
- emission
- environmental protection
- game
- hcsis
- health statewide
- higher
- history
- inspection
- liquor
- literacy
- lobbyist
- markers
- medicare
- monitoring
- nationwide
- nutrition
- oim
- oltl
- open
- opioid use disorder
- out of home placement
- outcomes
- parcel
- parole
- participation
- passhe
- pccd
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvanians
- pfds
- pharmacy
- phmc
- plaques
- pollutant
- pre-employment
- prescribe
- probation
- productivity
- project
- quarantine
- safe
- science
- sdwis
- sex
- spending
- spotted
- stem
- syndromic
- technology
- term
- vehicle
- venture
- visit
- voter
- wages
- waste
- working
- abstinence
- administration
- agency
- aging
- arrest
- balanced and restorative justice
- business
- candidate
- capital
- city
- committee
- company
- degree
- digital
- dmva
- dose
- drink
- food
- hours
- individual
- integrated
- investment
- juvenile justice system enhancement strategy
- level
- licensee
- living
- long
- ma
- narcotic
- natural
- office
- partnership
- permit
- pid
- pregnancy
- resource
- statewide
- technical
- trade
- training
- transition
- uninsured
- veteran
- waiver
- worked
- access
- accountability
- ag
- air
- application
- campaign
- certificate
- competency development
- competitive
- coordination
- crime
- disclosure
- enrollees
- federal
- finance
- fund
- geo
- hazard
- historical
- house
- institution
- internet
- language
- marijuana
- maternal
- military
- municipality
- museum
- occupation
- ocyf
- padoc
- pain
- region
- resident
- sco
- secondary
- seized
- seizure
- skill
- syndrome
- test
- water
- women
- work
- zip
- allocation
- autism
- birth
- corrections
- delinquency
- dor
- emergency
- expenditure
- housing
- incident
- juvenile
- nas
- penndot
- primary
- provider
- rehab
- student
- suboxone
- support
- tax
- vivitrol
- worker
- workforce development
- abuse
- benefits
- case
- commission
- court
- criminal
- ddap
- environmental
- facility
- incarcerated
- jcjc
- location
- neonatal
- park
- pdot
- public
- research
- wioa
- workers
- broadband
- career
- companies
- correction
- employee
- employment first
- justice
- lea
- registry
- safety
- wjs
- agriculture
- census
- cie
- conservation
- dcnr
- entrepreneurship
- ethnicity
- general
- l&i
- labor and industry
- mat
- medicaid
- naloxone
- substance
- trail
- age
- child
- children
- heroin
- insurance
- municipal
- revenue
- train
- wage
- boundary
- covid-19
- early
- infrastructure
- learning
- medication
- protection
- disabilities
- doc
- economy
- government
- inmate
- ocdel
- odp
- ovr
- voting
- alcohol
- enrollment
- ope
- population
- rehabilitation
- vote
- local
- mawd
- ballot
- gender
- overdose
- psp
- treatment
- vocational
- death
- environment
- services
- vaccination
- disorder
- phc4
- police
- race
- success
- transportation
- care
- election
- industry
- family
- first
- hospital
- school
- dep
- dli
- map
- vaccine
- dos
- innovation
- assistance
- county
- state
- pde
- medical
- virus
- geospatial
- gis
- citizen
- development
- spatial
- oud
- disease
- labor
- economic
- job
- dced
- community
- covid
- human
- education
- disability
- performance
- measure
- dhs
- governor
- budget
- doh
- program
- workforce
- drug
- service
- employment
- opioid
- health
5 Results
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Tags > home
Clear All
A nursing home is a place for older adults who do not need hospital care but cannot be cared for at home. More than 80,000 Pennsylvanians reside in more than 700 nursing homes throughout the state.
Living at home can be challenging for older adults when they require supervision or assistance to complete daily activities. A nursing home becomes an option when the level of care needed cannot be provided at home.
Nursing homes provide 24-hour, long-term nursing care and short-term options for older adults following surgery or hospital stay.
January 9 2023
Serving PA Veterans and Their Spouses
If you served our country, love to show your patriotism and need long-term care, then one of Pennsylvania's six Veterans Homes is the ideal place for you and/or your spouse to call home. Our favorite “colors” are Red, White and Blue, and we believe that every veteran who lives here is a celebrated American hero.
If you served our country, love to show your patriotism and need long-term care, then one of Pennsylvania's six Veterans Homes is the ideal place for you and/or your spouse to call home. Our favorite “colors” are Red, White and Blue, and we believe that every veteran who lives here is a celebrated American hero.
That is because Pennsylvania’s Veterans Homes, operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, exists to care for, honor and respect residents for serving our country and protecting our freedom.
July 15 2022
February 22 2024
This information pertains to juveniles who, while under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court, were committed to out-of-home placement (excluding detention, shelter care, and diagnostic placements) for a period greater than 28 days at least one time in conjunction with a juvenile delinquency disposition.
This dataset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission 2018 Statewide Juvenile Justice Outcome Measure report: this report reflects outcomes of juvenile offenders whose cases were closed during the report period and who have received a period of supervision from a county juvenile probation department. These reported outcomes are associated with community protection, accountability, and competency development.
The proportion of juveniles whose cases were closed and experienced a placement episode decreased in 2018 to 18.3% from 22.4% in 2017. At the same time, the median length of placement remained steady at 9.9 months.
October 17 2022
This list contains enrollment and capacity information for Family Support programs in Pennsylvania as of the last day of each quarter. This report will be updated on a quarterly basis.
DISCLAIMER: OCDEL is not representing that this information is current or accurate beyond the day it was posted. OCDEL shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information.
DISCLAIMER: OCDEL is not representing that this information is current or accurate beyond the day it was posted. OCDEL shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information.
August 27 2024
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results