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8 Results
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Tags > justice
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This dataset contains summary information on overdose responses and naloxone administrations by Pennsylvania criminal justice agencies and some third-party (i.e. EMS, Fire, Medical Staff, etc) first responders voluntarily entering incident data. Due to the voluntary nature of the application, the ODIN information provided may not represent the totality of all overdose and/or naloxone administration incidents involving criminal justice agencies occurring within the Commonwealth. Although this dataset does include some third-party administrations of naloxone, it should not be used to measure overdose response and naloxone administration incidents among all first responders.
August 15 2024
Three different measures of recidivism (rearrest, reincarceration, and overall recidivism) have been used by the DOC in a recent report to further explore the effects of recidivism on the criminal justice system. The DOC defines rearrest as: “the first instance of arrest after the individual is released from the custody of the DOC.” The DOC defines reincarceration as: “the first instance of returning to the custody of the DOC after the individual is released from the DOC.” The DOC defines overall recidivism as: “the first instance of any type of rearrest or reincarceration after the individual is released from the DOC.”
- The 3-year rearrest rates have been consistently higher than the 3-year reincarceration rates.
- The overall recidivism rates have remained relatively stable.
- From 2000 to 2013, rearrest rates appear to grow consistently before trending downward in recent years (e.g. 3-year rate has been below 50.0% in 4 of the last 5 years).
- The 2013 3-year reincarceration rate was down slightly at 43.7%, still lower than all the 3-year rates prior to 2008.
- The 2013 3-year overall recidivism rate dropped to 60.9%. This was the second lowest overall recidivism rate in the past 13 years (with 2011 being lowest at 59.9%)
- The 2015 1-year rates were all up slightly.
- The overall recidivism rates have remained relatively stable.
- From 2000 to 2013, rearrest rates appear to grow consistently before trending downward in recent years (e.g. 3-year rate has been below 50.0% in 4 of the last 5 years).
- The 2013 3-year reincarceration rate was down slightly at 43.7%, still lower than all the 3-year rates prior to 2008.
- The 2013 3-year overall recidivism rate dropped to 60.9%. This was the second lowest overall recidivism rate in the past 13 years (with 2011 being lowest at 59.9%)
- The 2015 1-year rates were all up slightly.
These statistics are based on a cohort of inmates.
May 13 2022
The effects of the opioid epidemic on the criminal justice system are visible in arrests and convictions involving distribution of opioids and reported use of opioids among inmates entering state prisons. Tracking the number of arrests and convictions involving opioids provides a picture of the opioid epidemic across our counties and by age and gender. Likewise, the impact of the epidemic can be seen in the number of incarcerated people who report use of opioids.
February 10 2023
This is a monthly Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole reentrant employment status by county starting in the calendar year of January 2018 - current. Updates will be loaded monthly as they become available.
Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
October 27 2022
This information pertains to juveniles who, while under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court, were committed to out-of-home placement (excluding detention, shelter care, and diagnostic placements) for a period greater than 28 days at least one time in conjunction with a juvenile delinquency disposition.
This dataset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission 2018 Statewide Juvenile Justice Outcome Measure report: this report reflects outcomes of juvenile offenders whose cases were closed during the report period and who have received a period of supervision from a county juvenile probation department. These reported outcomes are associated with community protection, accountability, and competency development.
The proportion of juveniles whose cases were closed and experienced a placement episode decreased in 2018 to 18.3% from 22.4% in 2017. At the same time, the median length of placement remained steady at 9.9 months.
October 17 2022
This indicator includes the count and rate of the Courts of Common Pleas cases and PHILADELPHIA MUNICIPAL COURT cases with a conviction of offense code 35 P.S. § 780-113(a)(30) and a specified opioid drug per 1,000 court cases in the state of Pennsylvania as well as its counties. This offense code charges defendants with the manufacture or delivery or possession with intent to manufacture or delivery of unlawful substances. Other break downs include by gender and age group along with percentages where rate is not available.
This indicator also includes the count and percentage of adult drug court participants with self-reported use of opioids from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) online dashboard. Participants were counted as opioid related if the participant self-reported an opioid (heroin or opiates) as their drug of choice. Adult drug court data is aggregated to annual counts by state and county of jurisdiction as well as percentage of participants that successfully completed the program. The year displayed corresponds to the year the participant completed the program. It should be noted that it can take between one to two years to complete the program. Additional data on adult drug court participants for all drugs can be found on AOPC's Data Dashboard at: http://www.pacourts.us/news-and-statistics/research-and-statistics/dashboard-table-of-contents/adult-drug-court-data
This indicator also includes the count and percentage of adult drug court participants with self-reported use of opioids from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) online dashboard. Participants were counted as opioid related if the participant self-reported an opioid (heroin or opiates) as their drug of choice. Adult drug court data is aggregated to annual counts by state and county of jurisdiction as well as percentage of participants that successfully completed the program. The year displayed corresponds to the year the participant completed the program. It should be noted that it can take between one to two years to complete the program. Additional data on adult drug court participants for all drugs can be found on AOPC's Data Dashboard at: http://www.pacourts.us/news-and-statistics/research-and-statistics/dashboard-table-of-contents/adult-drug-court-data
June 14 2021
This data is the monthly number of inmates who are incarcerated and have a minimum sentence of 2 years or less by county who are participating in vocational training, the average number of hours in vocational training, and the number of inmates with vocational certifications
October 27 2022
There were 22,023 delinquency dispositions in Pennsylvania during 2018. This represents a 1.3% decrease from 2017 and a 13.4% decrease since 2014. Allegheny County reported a decrease of 17.0% from 2017 to 2018, and Philadelphia County reported a 5.9% decrease for this time period. One-third of the total dispositions occurred in the four jurisdictions reporting more than 1,000 dispositions; these jurisdictions include Philadelphia, Allegheny, York, and Delaware.
This dataset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commissions 2018 Juvenile Court Annual Report; this report provides an overview of Pennsylvania juvenile court statistics, during 2018 and preceding years, to measure and quantify work across the state by juvenile justice professionals.
In Pennsylvania, juvenile court jurisdiction extends over individuals who have been alleged to have committed a delinquent act, as defined by 42.
Pa. C. S. § 6301 et seq., on or after their tenth birthday and prior to reaching eighteen years of age. Juvenile court supervision can extend until the
individual is twenty-one years of age if the individual is currently under supervision. Age for purposes of this section was calculated from the
juvenile’s date of birth to the date of the offense in the written allegation.
This dataset is contained within the Juvenile Court Judges' Commissions 2018 Juvenile Court Annual Report; this report provides an overview of Pennsylvania juvenile court statistics, during 2018 and preceding years, to measure and quantify work across the state by juvenile justice professionals.
In Pennsylvania, juvenile court jurisdiction extends over individuals who have been alleged to have committed a delinquent act, as defined by 42.
Pa. C. S. § 6301 et seq., on or after their tenth birthday and prior to reaching eighteen years of age. Juvenile court supervision can extend until the
individual is twenty-one years of age if the individual is currently under supervision. Age for purposes of this section was calculated from the
juvenile’s date of birth to the date of the offense in the written allegation.
February 17 2022
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