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9 Results
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The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, or OVR, provides vocational rehabilitation services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment. OVR provides services to eligible individuals with disabilities, both directly and through a network of approved vendors. Services are provided on an individualized basis.
August 5 2024
State and county agencies and entities providing publicly funded education, training, employment and related services and long-term services and supports for working-age Pennsylvanians with a disability shall review their respective policies relating to payment of service providers, including supports coordinators, to align payment policies with the requirements of Employment First. Financial incentives, when allowable under Federal funding rules for employment services, shall be granted to providers who support the placement and continued employment of individuals with a disability in competitive integrated employment. -Act 36 [Public Law 229] Signed into Law June 19, 2018
August 5 2024
The data depicts each training opportunity completed by individuals through Industry Partnership training funding by Program Year (PY). The file includes all training and the number of individuals that benefited from the training and the workforce development area in which the industry partnership is organized. The data show the amount of training that is driven by employer demand to ensure PA’s employers remain competitive and workers retain employment and enhance their career opportunities.
This is Department of Labor and Industry(DLI) dataset.
There are 5 other Workforce training files from Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) that when combined with this file support the Governor's Workforce Development Goal of training 340,000 individuals by 2020
There are 5 other Workforce training files from Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) that when combined with this file support the Governor's Workforce Development Goal of training 340,000 individuals by 2020
February 21 2022
The data represents the percent change in wages for an individual who has wages recorded in the Unemployment Compensation (UC) wage record file in the quarter in which they completed Industry Partnership training and wages found in the UC wage record file for that individual four quarters later. The change could be an increase or a decrease in wages. For example, if an individual completed training in the third quarter of 2013 and earned $5,000 in that quarter and earned $7,500 in the third quarter of 2014 the percent change for that individual would be 50%. The file incudes a count of all individuals who benefited from industry partnership training, the workforce development area of the industry partnership, the training program completed and the percentage change in wages per individual training. The top line of the file includes the overall percentage change for all trainings.
*The goal for Labor & Industry is based on receiving $10 million to fund Industry Partnerships.
This dataset is for Program Year 2013-2017 and will be updated annually due to federal release schedule.
There are many reasons why an individual’s wage may have changed dramatically. Some of the reasons for negative wage changes or large increases in wages are listed below (not an exhaustive list).
• An individual may have left the job, was laid off, or retired within the year after they were trained.
• An individual may have become ill and left work.
• An individual may have accepted a job in or moved to another state.
• An individual may have been working two jobs and switched to one, or vice versa.
• An individual’s hours may have been reduced/increased during a quarter.
• Overtime hours may have been reduced/increased during a quarter.
• An individual may have taken family leave.
• A bonus could have been paid right after training was completed.
• Wage records may not have been reported.
• An employer may have closed and laid off all of their employees.
There are many reasons why an individual’s wage may have changed dramatically. Some of the reasons for negative wage changes or large increases in wages are listed below (not an exhaustive list).
• An individual may have left the job, was laid off, or retired within the year after they were trained.
• An individual may have become ill and left work.
• An individual may have accepted a job in or moved to another state.
• An individual may have been working two jobs and switched to one, or vice versa.
• An individual’s hours may have been reduced/increased during a quarter.
• Overtime hours may have been reduced/increased during a quarter.
• An individual may have taken family leave.
• A bonus could have been paid right after training was completed.
• Wage records may not have been reported.
• An employer may have closed and laid off all of their employees.
March 14 2024
The following are a selection of annual outcomes of services provided by the Pennsylvania's Department of Labor & Industry's Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Outcomes include applicants and case outcomes including employment and wages.
Key Footnotes:
1) Employed in Competitive Labor Market means employment at or above the minimum wage in settings where most employees do not have disabilities.
2) Estimated Taxes Paid are based on a standard deduction for the year, annual tax brackets and rates established by the IRS, and flat-rate FICA, state, and local taxes.
3) Estimated Total Government Savings are estimated federal, state, and local taxes paid plus annualized public support dollars at closure.
4) Average per Person Cost for a Competitive Employment Placement is the average individual "life of case" cost for all persons having a competitive employment outcome regardless of total number of years receiving services.
5) Average per Person Cost of Services is the average individual "life of case" cost for all persons having an employment outcome regardless of total number of years receiving services.
6) Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2016 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, Pennsylvania, https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_pa.htm#00-0000.
1) Employed in Competitive Labor Market means employment at or above the minimum wage in settings where most employees do not have disabilities.
2) Estimated Taxes Paid are based on a standard deduction for the year, annual tax brackets and rates established by the IRS, and flat-rate FICA, state, and local taxes.
3) Estimated Total Government Savings are estimated federal, state, and local taxes paid plus annualized public support dollars at closure.
4) Average per Person Cost for a Competitive Employment Placement is the average individual "life of case" cost for all persons having a competitive employment outcome regardless of total number of years receiving services.
5) Average per Person Cost of Services is the average individual "life of case" cost for all persons having an employment outcome regardless of total number of years receiving services.
6) Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2016 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, Pennsylvania, https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_pa.htm#00-0000.
February 8 2023
Individualize Education Program (IEP) that Include New or Significantly Modified Goals and Specific Steps Toward the Attainment of Competitive Integrated Employment.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
No Values means the numbers were suppressed less than 10.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
No Values means the numbers were suppressed less than 10.
February 21 2022
All counties. Individualize Education Program (IEP) that Include New or Significantly Modified Goals and Specific Steps Toward the Attainment of Competitive Integrated Employment.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
June 7 2023
Job Referrals Made to Employers on Behalf of Students with Disabilities while Still in High School
March 6 2024
Top 10 Counties. Individualize Education Program (IEP) that Include New or Significantly Modified Goals and Specific Steps Toward the Attainment of Competitive Integrated Employment.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
Successful transition of high school students with disabilities into competitive integrated employment.
June 7 2023