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9 Results
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Tags > naloxone
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The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Administration is helping to rescue opioid use disorder patients and children born suffering from withdrawal symptoms by enhancing the state's response to the opioid epidemic.
May 12 2022
This dataset contains information on the number of doses given for Naloxone throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by County. If the Incident County FIPS Code column is blank it means Not Recorded, as this field was blank by the Patient Care Report (PCR) vendor or the EMS Provider. Data is updated Quarterly starting with the first Quarter of Calendar Year 2018.
October 17 2022
This dataset reports number of successful naloxone reversals by police officers, as self-reported by municipal police departments, Capitol Police, and Pennsylvania State police. The data is stratified by county and by year. Note that there is no legislation mandating that law enforcement report naloxone reversals to DDAP; these data represent voluntary self-reports from departments.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
March 25 2019
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose that is caused by an opioid drug (i.e. prescription pain medication or heroin). Naloxone may be obtained at a pharmacy using the statewide standing order (https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/Opioids/General%20Public%20Standing%20Order.pdf) signed by Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine. Naloxone may be covered by insurance and consumers are encouraged to check with their insurers to understand their insurance coverage for naloxone. Individuals covered by Medicaid can obtain naloxone without a copay. A video demonstrating how to administer nasal spray naloxone may be found here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v26cDao4AcI&feature=youtu.be
More information about how naloxone works as a medication and frequently asked questions about obtaining and using naloxone may be found on the Department of Health’s Naloxone webpage (https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Opioids/Pages/Naloxone.aspx)
*This is a comprehensive listing of all pharmacies registered with the Department of State in Pennsylvania and does not guarantee that the pharmacy listed will have naloxone in stock.
More information about how naloxone works as a medication and frequently asked questions about obtaining and using naloxone may be found on the Department of Health’s Naloxone webpage (https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Opioids/Pages/Naloxone.aspx)
*This is a comprehensive listing of all pharmacies registered with the Department of State in Pennsylvania and does not guarantee that the pharmacy listed will have naloxone in stock.
October 18 2022
This dataset contains summary information on overdose responses and naloxone administrations by Pennsylvania criminal justice agencies and some third-party (i.e. EMS, Fire, Medical Staff, etc) first responders voluntarily entering incident data. Due to the voluntary nature of the application, the ODIN information provided may not represent the totality of all overdose and/or naloxone administration incidents involving criminal justice agencies occurring within the Commonwealth. Although this dataset does include some third-party administrations of naloxone, it should not be used to measure overdose response and naloxone administration incidents among all first responders.
August 15 2024
This dataset reports number of successful naloxone reversals by police officers, as self-reported by municipal police departments, Capitol Police, and Pennsylvania State police. The data is stratified by county and by year. Note that there is no legislation mandating that law enforcement report naloxone reversals to DDAP; these data represent voluntary self-reports from departments.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
October 18 2022
The county aggregate number of individuals on Medical Assistance (MA, Medicaid) who have filled a Naloxone Prescription. This includes all individuals on Medicaid. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist. It acts on the CNS to block the effects of narcotics, especially the "high'' feeling that makes you want to use them. It will not produce any narcotic-like effects or cause mental or physical dependence. Numbers are for the Calendar Year and updated with as current as possible until the next data refresh.
March 22 2024
OverdoseFreePA is made possible by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and is directed and managed by the Pennsylvania Overdose Reduction Technical Assistance Center (TAC), University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. The website is a result of collaboration with county and state partners across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
OverdoseFreePA is made possible by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and is directed and managed by the Pennsylvania Overdose Reduction Technical Assistance Center (TAC), University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. The website is a result of collaboration with county and state partners across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Our partnerships include:
Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association
Pennsylvania Medical Society
Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society
The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Dental Association
Drug Enforcement Administration 360 Strategy
There are a growing number of Pennsylvania counties involved in ramping up overdose prevention, treatment, and recovery activities to address the opioid overdose epidemic. The counties involved are collaborating to develop resources that can be used by all Pennsylvanians to increase community awareness and knowledge of overdose and overdose prevention strategies as well as to support initiatives aimed at decreasing drug overdoses and deaths within the participating counties. As a centralized resource and technical assistance hub, OverdoseFreePA is a central repository for these efforts to facilitate increased treatment and prevention efforts in these communities.
Pennsylvania Medical Society
Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society
The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Dental Association
Drug Enforcement Administration 360 Strategy
There are a growing number of Pennsylvania counties involved in ramping up overdose prevention, treatment, and recovery activities to address the opioid overdose epidemic. The counties involved are collaborating to develop resources that can be used by all Pennsylvanians to increase community awareness and knowledge of overdose and overdose prevention strategies as well as to support initiatives aimed at decreasing drug overdoses and deaths within the participating counties. As a centralized resource and technical assistance hub, OverdoseFreePA is a central repository for these efforts to facilitate increased treatment and prevention efforts in these communities.
Pennsylvania Opioid Overdose Reduction Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Pennsylvania, and the nation at large, is in the midst of opioid overdose epidemic. The TAC’s vision is to lead Pennsylvania communities to zero overdoses.The TAC hopes to achieve this vision by providing concierge technical assistance in the form of data driven recommendations and customized strategic planning to counties working to eliminate overdoses. The TAC strives to lead the field in identifying and sharing strategies to eliminate overdose through the central repository of OverdoseFreePA.
Pennsylvania, and the nation at large, is in the midst of opioid overdose epidemic. The TAC’s vision is to lead Pennsylvania communities to zero overdoses.The TAC hopes to achieve this vision by providing concierge technical assistance in the form of data driven recommendations and customized strategic planning to counties working to eliminate overdoses. The TAC strives to lead the field in identifying and sharing strategies to eliminate overdose through the central repository of OverdoseFreePA.
Based out of the Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Pharmacy, the TAC assists counties and communities in assessing needs, building capacity to address the needs, developing and implementing data driven plans with high quality outcomes, and sustaining initiatives to eliminate overdoses, both fatal and non-fatal, throughout Pennsylvania.
More information here -http://www.overdosefreepa.pitt.edu/who-we-are/
July 29 2020
The Naloxone for First Responders dataset is based on data obtained from individual Centralize Coordinating Entities (CCEs) who have provided data to PCCD on a quarterly basis. CCE's provide naloxone to eligible first responders in their local community.
The data includes the number of kits of naloxone that were provided by CCEs to first responders in each county, the types of first responders who received those kits, the number of doses used by first responders in that county, and the number of overdose reversals in that county.
The data includes the number of kits of naloxone that were provided by CCEs to first responders in each county, the types of first responders who received those kits, the number of doses used by first responders in that county, and the number of overdose reversals in that county.