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112 Results
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Tags > opioid
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The county aggregate number of individuals on Medical Assistance (MA, Medicaid) who have filled a Naloxone Prescription. This includes all individuals on Medicaid. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist. It acts on the CNS to block the effects of narcotics, especially the "high'' feeling that makes you want to use them. It will not produce any narcotic-like effects or cause mental or physical dependence. Numbers are for the Calendar Year and updated with as current as possible until the next data refresh.
March 22 2024
This indicator includes the hospitalization count and rate of hospitalization per 1,000 individuals estimated to have Drug Use Disorder for any of the following reasons: Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), Cellulitis, Osteomyelitis, Endocarditis, Soft skin tissue infection, or Viral Hepatitis (B, C, and D) for individuals diagnosed with OUD in the same calendar year.
Analyses were completed by the University of Pittsburgh using data from the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council and in cooperation with PA DOH.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
This data set measures how many hospitalizations per 1,000 individuals are primarily for conditions related to opioid use. Each of the categories in this data set—Opioid Use Disorder, Intracranial and intraspinal Abscess, Osteomyelitis, Endocarditis, Soft skin tissue infection (Cellulitis), and Viral Hepatitis (B, C, and D)—measure the number of individuals with a primary diagnosis for that condition on their hospitalization record. Each of those records, except for Opioid Use Disorder, must also have at least one secondary diagnosis for Opioid Use Disorder. The full list of ICD-10 codes used to identify these conditions are in the excel spreadsheet listed under attachments below.
Analyses were completed by the University of Pittsburgh using data from the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council and in cooperation with PA DOH.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
This data set measures how many hospitalizations per 1,000 individuals are primarily for conditions related to opioid use. Each of the categories in this data set—Opioid Use Disorder, Intracranial and intraspinal Abscess, Osteomyelitis, Endocarditis, Soft skin tissue infection (Cellulitis), and Viral Hepatitis (B, C, and D)—measure the number of individuals with a primary diagnosis for that condition on their hospitalization record. Each of those records, except for Opioid Use Disorder, must also have at least one secondary diagnosis for Opioid Use Disorder. The full list of ICD-10 codes used to identify these conditions are in the excel spreadsheet listed under attachments below.
July 7 2022
This dataset reports county numbers of intakes by individuals seeking treatment from hotline staff since the inception of Pennsylvania’s Get Help Now Hotline, text line, and chat line in November 2016.
When a field is blank the information is not available; these data were not collected at the time of the phone call.
When a field is blank the information is not available; these data were not collected at the time of the phone call.
October 24 2022
Percent of Pennsylvania delivery hospital stays, categorized by the presence or absence of opioid use, that had reached specified gestation stages for the delivery stay.
Opioid use, or opioid use disorder, is a diagnosis indicating opioid dependence, abuse, or use. Some opioid drugs may be prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment to relieve withdrawal symptoms and psychological cravings often associated with opioid use disorders. Opioid use during pregnancy can lead to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) for newborns.
Gestation stages specify the number of weeks of gestation at the time of the delivery stay. “Premature” indicates that the delivery stay is at 36 weeks or less of gestation, “Early Term” indicates that the delivery stay is at 37-38 weeks of gestation, and “Full Term or Longer” indicates that the delivery stay is at 39 weeks of gestation or longer.
This analysis is restricted to delivery hospital stays for Pennsylvania-state residents who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals.
This analysis is restricted to delivery hospital stays for Pennsylvania-state residents who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
September 13 2022
Statewide rates of newborn hospital stays with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) per 1,000 newborn stays.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or neonatal drug withdrawal, is an array of problems that develops shortly after birth in newborns who were exposed to addictive drugs, most often opioids, while in the mother’s womb. Withdrawal signs develop because these newborns are no longer exposed to the drug for which they have become physically dependent.
This analysis is restricted to newborns with Pennsylvania-state residence who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or neonatal drug withdrawal, is an array of problems that develops shortly after birth in newborns who were exposed to addictive drugs, most often opioids, while in the mother’s womb. Withdrawal signs develop because these newborns are no longer exposed to the drug for which they have become physically dependent.
This analysis is restricted to newborns with Pennsylvania-state residence who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
October 17 2022
Mean Length of Stay (LOS) for all Pennsylvania general acute care hospital stays for newborns, categorized by the presence or absence of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or neonatal drug withdrawal, is an array of problems that develops shortly after birth in newborns who were exposed to addictive drugs, most often opioids, while in the mother’s womb. Withdrawal signs develop because these newborns are no longer exposed to the drug for which they have become physically dependent.
This analysis is restricted to newborns with Pennsylvania-state residence who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals. Additionally, hospital stays with rehabilitation revenue codes and hospital stays that ended in a transfer or mortality were excluded.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or neonatal drug withdrawal, is an array of problems that develops shortly after birth in newborns who were exposed to addictive drugs, most often opioids, while in the mother’s womb. Withdrawal signs develop because these newborns are no longer exposed to the drug for which they have become physically dependent.
This analysis is restricted to newborns with Pennsylvania-state residence who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania hospitals. Additionally, hospital stays with rehabilitation revenue codes and hospital stays that ended in a transfer or mortality were excluded.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
October 17 2022
This interactive map depicts the amount of Heroin, in kilograms, seized by the Pennsylvania State Police quarterly, by county. Use the drop-down menus to select quarter and year to see the amount of heroin seized by the Pennsylvania State Police in each county. Care should be taken regarding inferences made about the location in which heroin is seized as drugs can be transient and therefore seized in areas other than their origination or destination. The heroin seizures reflected on this map may not include all active investigations by the Pennsylvania State Police.
April 8 2024
This indicator includes the rate of hospitalization per 1,000 individuals estimated to have Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) for Opioid Use Disorder, Intracranial and intraspinal Abscess, Osteomyelitis, Endocarditis, Soft skin tissue infection, and Viral Hepatitis (B, C, and D) for individuals diagnosed with OUD in the same calendar year.
* Analyses were completed by the University of Pittsburgh using data from the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council and in cooperation with PA DOH.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
* Analyses were completed by the University of Pittsburgh using data from the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council and in cooperation with PA DOH.
PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers.
June 7 2023