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112 Results
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View annual counts of Accidental or Undetermined overdose deaths for 2012 forward, including provisional estimates of annual counts of overdose deaths for recent years, as noted with an asterisk and the month the data was pulled. NOTE: Finalized death records for overdose deaths are often delayed by 3-6 months. Counties labeled “no value” have data suppressed because the counts are between 1 and 9.
Dataset includes overdose deaths where the Manner of Death is Accidental or Undetermined.
County complement counts file located here - https://data.pa.gov/Opioid-Related/Estimated-Accidental-and-Undetermined-Drug-Overdos/azzc-q64m
Dataset includes overdose deaths where the Manner of Death is Accidental or Undetermined.
County complement counts file located here - https://data.pa.gov/Opioid-Related/Estimated-Accidental-and-Undetermined-Drug-Overdos/azzc-q64m
Overdose Deaths are classified using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD–10). Accidental and Undetermined drug overdose deaths are identified using underlying cause-of-death codes X40–X44, and Y10–Y14, and include
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program *
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program *
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal
August 12 2024
This dataset reports number of successful naloxone reversals by police officers, as self-reported by municipal police departments, Capitol Police, and Pennsylvania State police. The data is stratified by county and by year. Note that there is no legislation mandating that law enforcement report naloxone reversals to DDAP; these data represent voluntary self-reports from departments.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
NA - Not applicable. No FIPS code or county code exist for Pennsylvania State Police and Capitol Police. Also, counties labelled “NA” do not have municipal police departments and are only covered by Pennsylvania State Police.
October 18 2022
This interactive map depicts the amount of Fentanyl, in kilograms, seized by the Pennsylvania State Police quarterly, by county. Use the drop-down menus to select quarter and year to see the amount of Fentanyl seized by the Pennsylvania State Police in each county. Care should be taken regarding inferences made about the location in which Fentanyl is seized as drugs can be transient and therefore seized in areas other than their origination or destination. The Fentanyl seizures reflected on this map may not include all active investigations by the Pennsylvania State Police.
April 8 2024
View annual counts of Accidental or Undetermined overdose deaths for 2012 forward, including provisional estimates of annual counts of overdose deaths for recent years, as noted with an asterisk and the month the data was pulled.
NOTE: Finalized death records for overdose deaths are often delayed by 3-6 months. Counties labeled “no value” have data suppressed because the counts are between 1 and 9.
- Overdose Deaths are classified using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD–10). Drug-poisoning deaths are identified using underlying cause-of-death codes X40–X44, and Y10–Y14, and include the following:
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
- Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program*
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal
NOTE: Finalized death records for overdose deaths are often delayed by 3-6 months. Counties labeled “no value” have data suppressed because the counts are between 1 and 9.
- Overdose Deaths are classified using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD–10). Drug-poisoning deaths are identified using underlying cause-of-death codes X40–X44, and Y10–Y14, and include the following:
- R99 when the Injury Description indicates an overdose death.
- X49 when literal COD is Mixed or Combined or Multiple Substance Toxicity, as these are likely drug overdoses
- X47 when substance indicated is difluoroethane, alone or in combination with other drugs
- Source Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program*
* These data were supplied by the Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations or conclusions.
- Estimates are broken down by type of drugs involved in the overdose
- Any Drug Overdose Death - all drug overdose deaths, regardless of type of drug involved, excluding alcohol only deaths
- Opioid Overdose Death - any overdose death involving opioids, prescription or illegal