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- disorder
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26 Results
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Tags > virus
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Weekly updates have finished with the June 28th update.
Some information may be found here: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_new-admissions-rate-state
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day.
Data will be updated between 11:30 am to 1:30pm each Wednesday.
Some information may be found here: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_new-admissions-rate-state
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day.
Data will be updated between 11:30 am to 1:30pm each Wednesday.
May 8 2024
Weekly updates have finished with the June 28th update.
“Note: Beginning 7/13/2022, the hospitals are no longer reporting data on airborne isolation beds resulting in null values being displayed for the airborne isolation bed metrics.”
This dataset contains aggregate hospitalization data related to COVID-19 patient which includes availability of ICU beds, patients on ventilators, ventilators in use, and total patients hospitalized data at the state and county level for Pennsylvania residents.
Data will be updated between 11:30 am to 1:30pm each Wednesday.
“Note: Beginning 7/13/2022, the hospitals are no longer reporting data on airborne isolation beds resulting in null values being displayed for the airborne isolation bed metrics.”
This dataset contains aggregate hospitalization data related to COVID-19 patient which includes availability of ICU beds, patients on ventilators, ventilators in use, and total patients hospitalized data at the state and county level for Pennsylvania residents.
Data will be updated between 11:30 am to 1:30pm each Wednesday.
May 8 2024
COVID-19 testing files will no longer be updated after 5/10/2023
This dataset contains the aggregate number of COVID-19 PCR test results reported to the Department of Health per day. It includes tests with positive, negative, and inconclusive results. If the same test result (identified by having the same patient, collection date, and result) was reported more than once (either accidentally or reported by both the ordering facility and the performing lab), it is counted only once in this data. Only tests performed on Pennsylvania residents are included.
This dataset contains the aggregate number of COVID-19 PCR test results reported to the Department of Health per day. It includes tests with positive, negative, and inconclusive results. If the same test result (identified by having the same patient, collection date, and result) was reported more than once (either accidentally or reported by both the ordering facility and the performing lab), it is counted only once in this data. Only tests performed on Pennsylvania residents are included.
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests detect the RNA genetic material in the COVID-19 virus. PCR tests can be performed on specimens collected in a variety of ways, most often from nasopharyngeal (NP), nasal, oral or throat swabs, or saliva collection.
May 8 2024
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
May 8 2024
This chart contains aggregate COVID-19 7-day rolling average case counts and rates by date of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania and for the state as a whole. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). At present, a person is counted as a case only once. Note that case counts by date of report are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to testing availability, test ordering patterns (such as day of week patterns), labs reporting backlogged test results, and mass screenings in nursing homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Case reports received without a patient address are assigned to the county of the ordering provider or facility based on provider zip code. Cases reported with a residential address that does not match to a known postal address per the commonwealth geocoding service are assigned to a county based on the zip code of residence. Many zip codes cross county boundaries so there is some degree of misclassification of county. All counts may change on a daily basis due to reassignment of jurisdiction, removal of duplicate case reports, correction of errors, and other daily data cleaning activities. Downloaded data represents the best information available as of the previous day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
Data will be updated between 9-11 am every day.
June 29 2023
External Link
This provides a connection to the Department of Health Coronavirus COVID-19 WEBSITE with regularly updated information on the virus and the state actions and plans. Click the Link below. *QUESTIONS - Call 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258)*
PADOH continues an incident command structure to coordinate monitoring, response, and messaging. The Department Operations Center is located in room 112 of the PEMA building. PADOH is coordinating with other state agencies, as needed. Communications personnel from various agencies have established a virtual Joint Information Center to address inquiries related to COVID-19.
May 8 2024
This dataset contains counts of COVID-19 deaths by age by county. Suppression applies for quantities less than 5.
Data only includes information reported to EDRS, the Electronic Death Reporting System.
May 8 2024
Daily updates have finished.
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts by age by county of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Suppression applies for quantities 1-4.
This dataset contains aggregate COVID-19 case counts by age by county of first report for all counties in Pennsylvania. Counts include both confirmed and probable cases as defined by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Suppression applies for quantities 1-4.
Data only includes information reported to PA-NEDSS, Pennsylvania National Electronic Disease Surveillance System.
May 8 2024
This list contains each open certified Child Care facility and other early learning programs in Pennsylvania as of the last day of the month.
DISCLAIMER: OCDEL is not representing that this information is current or accurate beyond the day it was posted. OCDEL shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information.