Broadband Access
The official FCC broadband definition is a minimum of 25 Mbps download and
3 Mbps upload.
Cable/fiber internet connection is used to define access to broadband,
since these are the most commonly used and currently best two types of internet
for a fast connection. Other technologies are less preferable due to slowness,
instability, data caps, and latency.
By Type of Connection
Access to Cable/Fiber Internet by PREP Region
The official FCC broadband definition is a minimum of 25 Mbps download and
3 Mbps upload.
Cable/fiber internet connection is used to define access to broadband,
since these are the most commonly used and currently best two types of internet
for a fast connection. Other technologies are less preferable due to slowness,
instability, data caps, and latency.
Data Note: Access to broadband
by PREP Region represents the average access across the counties comprising
each PREP region.
Broadband Subscription
Vital information, processes, and connections are increasingly happening
online, which students, workers, and businesses need to reach their full
potential. Reliable access to high-speed broadband also reflects a place's
ability to attract the most highly skilled workers or dynamic firms, especially
with the rising trend of remote work.
Data Note: The data represents
the average broadband subscription rate across the counties comprising each
PREP region.