
Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures

Average wait time of customer phone calls to the Customer Experience Center (in minutes)
To ensure the department is continuously improving customer service, this measure tracks the average speed of answer for calls received through the main phone numbers published to the public. This allows the department to determine where delays occur and helps focus resources to ensure established wait time targets are being met.
Percentage of returns filed electronically
To ensure the department is continually improving business processes and technology, this measure represents the department’s efforts to shift customer behavior to electronic methods of submission. This allows the department to see potential growth areas for electronic filing options. Shifting customer behavior to electronic filing also helps reduce errors and improves processing efficiency by allowing the department to focus on other areas of tax administration.
Net Lottery Profits
To ensure the department is continuously improving lottery sales and net profits, we track the Pennsylvania overall Lottery’s profit. The Pennsylvania Lottery is the only state Lottery that designates all of its proceeds to programs that benefit older resident Pennsylvanians, making this measure vital to funding these important programs.
Percentage of refunds paid by the required timeframe
To ensure the department is continuously improving public confidence this measure tracks the department’s refund processing across taxes, in order to know if refunds are being paid by statutory deadlines to minimize interest payable. Additionally, this measure monitors the efficiency of the department’s refund processing function.
Property Tax/Rent Rebate claims sent to Treasury with a by July 1st payment date
To ensure the department is continuously improving business processes and technology, claims that are sent to Treasury with a July 1st payment date are tracked. The Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians, age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. This measure captures the percentage of rebates sent to Treasury to ensure the department is processing eligible rebates to provide timely economic relief.